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Product Roundup: August 2024

The Skillit team was on fire with new product releases this month 🔥 Here’s what we rolled out:

Post Jobs on Skillit

We released out a game-changing update to our craft worker search that gives employers AND craft workers the best of both worlds: Now employers can post jobs directly on our platform, and qualified craft workers who match their criteria can express interest with just a click. (Plus, employers still have the power to actively search for craft worker candidates whenever they need to.) 

This two-way search power means employers can attract interested, pre-vetted craft worker candidates via their promoted job posts while proactively searching for the perfect fit.

Post a Job: Employers can write a quick job summary, and Skillit will do the heavy lifting by reaching out to craft workers who match their exact criteria.

💡 Pro Tip: Company logo and info should be updated in settings. Craft workers will see company branding when indicating their interest.

View Applicants: When craft workers begin to express interest in a job, they’ll show up in the Candidates tab under Applied Workers.

Follow Up: To follow up with candidates, employers can use the Message icon.

Set and Track Time-Bound Hiring Goals

This update helps teams set, track, and achieve their craft hiring goals. Think of it as a hiring funnel health check!

Set Hiring Targets: Employers can share their recruitment goals, and we'll build a tailored action plan to get them there. (All it takes is how many roles are needed, and by when.)

Track Progress: This new personalized dashboard provides real-time insights into the hiring funnel, showing exactly how many craft workers employers should reach out to each week to hit their targets.

Archive Past Craft Worker Searches

This update enables employers to archive searches so they no longer show up in the ‘Active Searches’ dashboard - keeping the hiring funnel organized for real-time visibility.

Short on Time? You’ll Love AI-Powered Search.

Skillit helps you construct a search with 200 words or less. Simply provide some details around the type of role you’re looking to hire, and we’ll generate a new search (and, if you choose to post a job, the role description).


In case you missed it, here’s what else we launched this summer:

  • Search got smarter: We've updated your search dashboard to improve organization for teams. Rather than immediately presenting a craft worker search, the dashboard now offers a structured overview of all craft worker searches.

  • Keeping things fresh: As employers interact with candidates - by contacting them, indicating interest, or hiding them - they'll be automatically sorted into categories in the left-hand panel.